Featured Client
Case Study

Our client

Black Girl Health, LLC

BGH provides minority women with knowledge that can change their lives. They worked with us to take advantage of our full range of offerings in preparation for their annual Kickstart Health and Wellness Expo in 2019.

Website Development

BGH required an immersive website with a flexible interface that worked well on a variety of screens (phones, laptops, and desktops) and across multiple browser/resolution applications (Chrome, Safari, IE).

phone mokcup

The website acted as the conference’s informational hub, the transactional hub for ticket sales, and the re-marketing hub for digital advertisement and marketing through the Facebook and Instagram platforms.

The website was built with WordPress and included a new and immersive visual interface with the “Buy Tickets” call to action throughout, resulting in improved conversions and sales.

The architecture was oriented to their intended user profiles, so the content was visually engaging and easy to understand (attendees, vendors, sponsors).

Content Creation

BGH relies heavily on video marketing to raise visibility and participation for the Kickstart Health and Wellness conference since it is a digital health organization.

Engaging video content was at the heart of their previous year’s active social media marketing campaigns, and they expected it to continue throughout the new year.

Using motion graphics, animation, and video development techniques, we created many immersive videos to increase awareness and build interaction. The featured case reaction and conversion video reached 30,123 users over a 30-day period, resulting in 11,438 Thruplays (watched in its entirety) and 1,010 conversions.

In addition, we created the pilot episode of their Facebook Live broadcast, BGH LIVE!

Digital Advertising

ad spend statistics bgh

Kickstart Health and Wellness Conference Ad Spend/ROI

Our lead generation activities for the Kickstart Health and Wellness Conference resulted in 331,526 views, 108,582 people reached, 4,045 link clicks, and 734 conversions (ticket purchases) at a rate of $1.30 per click and $7 per convert. The cost of the tickets was $75.

The aim was to switch leads more quickly from recognition of the event to contact with the website or Facebook event, which resulted in a ticket purchase.

The recognition and interaction stage was used to advertise the event to a cold audience in order to get them to respond to a call to action. The event’s call to action was to visit the website or answer on the event’s Facebook page. This was significant because it provided us with a core group of people to retarget by pixeling (from the website) or directly as interested parties from the event page.

In the last month of our social media marketing efforts, we used the action point. We retargeted anyone who had previously visited the website and replied to the event page with a call to action to purchase tickets.