Our Washington DC based Social Media Marketing Agency will assist you in putting the message in front of prospects and consumers where they spend the bulk of their time online.

our services

Our Washington DC-based Social Media Marketing Agency will assist you in putting the message in front of prospects and consumers where they spend the bulk of their time online.

Nowadays, a social media marketing campaign entails something more than just sharing material for clicks and shares. You must be able to successfully listen to, control, network with, and sell to prospects in order to convert them into consumers. With our diverse social media marketing services, let The Digital Marketing Company of DC guide you on the journey of running a profitable social media campaign. A solid social media strategy is important for any brand. Many small companies begin using social media without giving any attention to their goals or motivations for choosing a particular site.

Social Media Marketing Agency team members scrolling through a social media newsfeed

Social Media Marketing Strategy

When we design social media marketing strategies for your business, we make certain that you have a strategy in place and a good idea of what would succeed for you. This involves identifying and studying the target demographic, exploring and reviewing specific social media platforms of choice, and developing a consistent plan, complete with elements such as an editorial calendar, that you can use to document project achievements and campaign goals.

Additional Social Media Marketing Agency Services

Platform Specific Services

Each social media site is unique, but they do share certain characteristics. Facebook is by far the most popular social networking platform, with over a billion users. Depending on your target audience, other considerable networks include Pinterest and Instagram, as well as Google+, LinkedIn, as well as Snapchat. When deciding which social media networks your programs should target, The Digital Marketing Company of DC considers your ideal client. For example, LinkedIn is more likely to favor a B2B business than a luxury brand targeted at millennials. We will assist you in determining which networks your customers use. Then, depending on the channel(s) of choice, devise a plan.

Branding and/or Creation Of Social Media Profiles

Social networks have become more dynamic as technology has progressed. Platforms modify how they work, add additional features, and even change the scale of the profile's branding elements on a regular basis. With and of your social media accounts acting as an extension of your brand online, continuity in presence, name, and message is more crucial than ever. We design your social media accounts for you, ensuring that they not only complement your actual offline and online presence, but are also customized for each channel to ensure you're showcasing the best version of your small company to your clients and future customers.

Content Creation & Marketing Services

Our content management team will create artistic tools that help build recognition and interaction with your company on social media, ranging from content creation and graphic design to video production and animation. Our designers produce digital objects that are inspired by current style guides or totally reimagine them. Since stock photography has drawbacks, we like to use original photography wherever possible, whether it was shot by our team or by your customers. There's no reason to be shy in front of the camera. Long-form video properties can be repurposed into short films, or we can create an original content series to pique the attention of your audience.

Content Publishing

One of our social media marketing offerings that can save you time and resources is the scheduling of your posts. Many small businesses find it difficult to find the time to post their content, particularly across multiple platforms. It isn't the most challenging job, but letting The Digital Marketing Company of DC handle your content scheduling would open you up to WORK ON your business rather than IN your business. We typically have a content calendar to guide the management and posting of blogs, giving you an indication of what will be released ahead of time but still preparing for improvements if appropriate.

Campaign and Community Management

Although it is helpful to help you get started with social media, many companies need more comprehensive support for their continuing social media operations. Real-time campaign management is one of the strategies we provide to help you make the most of your social media approach. We'll keep an eye on the pulse of your campaign and audience, looking for ways to boost policy, content creation, and content publishing in order to increase visibility and interaction.

Work With Our Social Media Marketing Company Agency

Bear in mind that the digital marketing world is continually shifting. Experts, blogs, and writers declare a process or strategy to be hot one week and then cold the next.

Since internet marketing has evolved, the irony is that digital marketing has less to do with being “digital” and more to do with “marketing.” Its pillars are now in existence.

Our ultimate mission at The Digital Marketing Company of DC is to eliminate confusion about effective tactics and to implement tried-and-true strategies that will help the business flourish. We are vehemently opposed to so-called “gurus” who promote the latest “shiny thing” or “quick fix” that is meant to annihilate email marketing, viral advertisements, or SEO.

It’s all about the fundamentals around here.